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Tecnolac is constantly looking for innovative solutions for the creation of new and particular effects to propose to the public.

Colorimetry/sampling department can meet the needs of the clients in terms of colors and special ​effects ​using ​Ral, Pantone and Hks guides.

Our modern lacquering facilities:

  • ensure considerable advantages both in terms of yield and quality of the final product, and with regard to the greater economy of the work system;
  • they allow the paint to be applied using different types of coatings, primers and products, which can be either water-solvent based or UV-solvent based.

Product’s quality  is guaranteed by accurate controls during either the application phase or the post-production phase.

Every new demand is treated and analyzed evaluating every aspect, performing samples and tests to determine the best quality result and the best value for money.

We also have a manual lacquering department for the creation of small lots, customized effects or components not suitable for painting with plant.

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